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A global platform to protect, preserve and promote dharma-based perspectives and practices

Dharma Alliance

Dharma Alliance is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization based in Geneva that seeks to protect, preserve, and promote Dharma-based perspectives and practices across the world. ‘Dharma’ in Sanskrit comes from the root ‘dhri’ meaning ‘to sustain’, and refers to the spiritual, ethical and natural principles that uphold the universe. Dharma cultures and traditions are premised on harmony, mutual respect and the inter-connectedness of all life, and offer significant insights on overcoming the challenges the world is facing today.



Dharma Alliance has launched a lecture series on SDGs and Dharma Traditions. Held in Geneva and streamed live, speakers include scholars, thinkers and experts engaged in the practical application of ancient wisdom to global challenges.



As one of its key objectives, Dharma Alliance is building a knowledge base on the intersections between different Dharma traditions and the challenges the world is facing - as manifested in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.



Dharma Alliance’s engagement with the 17 SDGs has been organized around four broad themes.

Recent Additions

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