Indigenous Environmentalism – What Sets Us Apart

Dharma Tradition(s): Buddhist; Hindu; Jain; Sikh


Author: Viva Kermani

Abstract: Hinduism is inherently an ecological religion. Centuries before the appearance of the word ecology or the concept of environmental management, Hindu scriptures instructed us that the animals and plants found in the land of Bharatavarsha are sacred; that like humans, our fellow creatures, including plants have consciousness; and therefore all aspects of nature are to be revered. This understanding, care and reverence towards the environment is common to all Indic religious and spiritual systems: Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Thus, there is ample evidence to show that the earliest messages of the importance of the environment and the need for ecological balance and harmony can be found in ancient Indic texts.

Language(s): English

Published: 24 March 2020

Content Type(s): Text

Content Source(s):

Country(ies): India

Region(s): Global; Asia


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