What ancient wisdom can teach businesses about sustainable finance

Dharma Tradition(s): Buddhist; Hindu; Jain; Sikh


Author: Atul K. Shah

Abstract: The world of business tends to prioritise concepts of profit maximisation, economies of scale and the importance of shareholder value. As the industry has developed over centuries, these concepts have become deeply embedded in global financial systems. But some businesses in certain parts of the world operate based on respect for all living beings, not just humans – particularly in countries that adhere to dharmic religions such as Jainism and Hinduism (primarily across the Indian subcontinent, southeast and central Asia). Learning about such ways of working could help the global business world to become more sustainable and address the climate crisis.

Language(s): English

Published: 30 December 2022

Content Type(s): Text

Content Source(s):

Country(ies): None

Region(s): Global


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